Lit Fox Books, a nonprofit press based in Austin, TX, is an organization dedicated to preserving authors’ artistic visions in a vibrant and supportive environment. We set ourselves apart with fee-free submissions, swift feedback, eye-catching book covers, and custom merchandise.

We are open to submissions of full-length poetry manuscripts for our new annual book award.


Winner Receives:

  • $1500
  •  Publication
  • 25 author copies 
  • Custom merchandise
  • An interview with Lit Fox Books


Our Judge:

Mary Biddinger is the author of seven poetry collections, most recently Department of Elegy and Partial Genius: Prose Poems. She is also co-editor, with Julie Brooks Barbour, of A Mollusk Without a Shell: Essays on Self-Care for Writers. Biddinger has been the recipient of awards and fellowships from the Cleveland Arts Prize, Ohio Arts Council, and National Endowment for the Arts. Her flash fiction novella titled The Girl with the Black Lipstick will be published by Black Lawrence Press in 2025. She teaches creative writing at the University of Akron and in the NEOMFA program, and serves as poetry editor for the University of Akron Press.


Submission Guidelines:

Simultaneous submissions are allowed.

Please attach the full manuscript and include a cover letter with a biographical statement. We appreciate knowing where your poems have been published. Please note that the manuscript as a whole must be previously unpublished, and the manuscript should be at least 48 pages.

There are no specific formatting or font requirements, but please make sure it is easy to read. 

There is no submission fee. Donations are highly appreciated and help us keep submissions free for those who simply cannot afford fees.

Lit Fox Books